Workshop invitation: South Africa's Innovation System and its Contribution to Sustainable Development Patterns - 29 April 2009

29 April 2009

Invitation: Presentation of Preliminary Findings - South Africa's Innovation System and its Contribution to Sustainable Development Patterns.

Interdisciplinary Research Team of the German Development Institute (DIE) in cooperation with the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI), Tshwane University of Technology.

Based on the approach of the Sectoral Innovation System, our research explores South Africa's potentials to increase its contribution to sustainable development and to the generation of cleaner technologies by analyzing the following technology fields:

• Forestry/Wood Value Chain
• Renewable Energies (Solar Energy)
• Hydrogen/Fuel Cells Technology

We invite you to join the workshop for the presentation of our preliminary findings.

When: Wednesday, 29 April 2009, at 2 pm
Where: IERI, Tshwane University of Technology
Directions: Ground Floor, 159 Skinner Street, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)12-382-3073