Call for Applications IERI Doctoral Student Posts

18 March 2009

Applications are invited for two Doctoral students under the DST/NRF Research Chair on Innovation Studies at the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI). The purpose is to conduct research linking science, technology, innovation and knowledge to the political economy of African integration covering both informal cross border consumer-producer interactions to the RECs such as SADC and other processes like the AU and NEPAD. Candidates are welcome to submit proposals on how knowledge, innovation and capacity for promoting African integration through the application of the convergence of information, computers and communication technologies, biotechnologies and nano-technologies applied to the pressing challenges African countries face simultaneously now as multiple and overlapping economic, food, energy, health and climate crises.

Applicants must possess an MSc or MA, preferably in a field related to science, technology and innovation in relation to some aspect of African development. They should also submit a five-page research proposal, with research question, methodology, and a three year plan that includes how they intend to undertake literature review, field research and the final completion of the thesis.