Innovation for Development: The Voices of Globelics

07 January 2010

This documentary DVD gathers a series of stories, documents and images that shape the living history of the GLOBELICS network (Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems). The founders, along with some of the most active participants of this academic network, reminisce and reflect to exhibit the 'how and why' of the creation of the idea and its development. Their voices account for the purposes, achievements and difficulties, assessments and new challenges. Through a joint effort between interviewees and documentary makers, this narration shares the knowledge of how it was possible to construct this global network, whose main axis is based on the interaction of academic experiences between the North and the South.

  1. What is Globelics?

  2. The origins

  3. Interaction between scholars from the North and South

  4. Globelics' influence on the research agenda

  5. Building across generations

  6. The influence on innovation policies

  7. The structure of the network: formalization vs. flexibility

  8. Six years of Globelics: challenges and achievements