BRICS Innovation Panel set of presentations - 29 January 2010

29 January 2010

The BRICS Project is a comparative research study on the National Innovation Systems of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It is a project conducted by the Global Network for Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems – Globelics (see and is coordinated by RedeSist – the Research Network on Local Productive and Innovative Systems – at the Economics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil.

Conceptually, the project is structured around the Systems of Innovation framework. The central focus of the study is the national system of innovation (NSI) of the five BRICS. The notion of innovation system has in its centre the industrial, S&T and education sub-systems; but includes also the legal and political frameworks, investment and financial sub-system, as well as other spheres relating to the national and international contexts where knowledge is generated, used and diffused. The objective is to characterize and compare the NSI of the five countries pointing out convergences, divergences, and synergies, as well as identifying current and potential connections. Particular attention will be given to policy implications. Therefore, the project aims at involving, not only researchers, but also policy-makers working in national and international agencies.

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