Invitation to the seminar on climate change

13 August 2013

Invitation to a seminar on Climate Change
Dear Sir/ Madam

The Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI) would like to invite you to participate in a three hour seminar on Climate Change. The seminar is scheduled to take place on the 13th of May 2013 at 12h30. The venue will be the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Metro-Skinner Campus, 159 Nana Sita Street, Pretoria CBD, 0001.

We would appreciate if you would indicate your interest to participate to Mr. Lucas Madia- no later than Monday 5th of August 2013. Many thanks in advance and kind regards.
Yours sincerely
Lucas Madia


Seminar on Climate Change

Title: Multilateral Environmental Agreements: OzonAction and the Montreal Protocol

Presenter: Mrs Shamila Nair-Bedouell (PhD, HDR)

1.    Welcome to the Seminar and IERI (Prof Robert Rugimbana – Dean: Economics and Finance)
2.    Welcome to TUT (Dr Stanley Mukhula – DVC: Teaching, Learning & Technology)
3.    Introduction of the Seminar and the Presenter (Dr Erika Kraemer-Mbula – IERI)
4.    Presentation: Mrs Shamila Nair-Bedouell (UNEP)
5.    Discussion
6.    Book/Report Launch
7.    Thanks and Closure: Dr Erika Kraemer-Mbula
8.    Refreshments and Networking (All)