New Deadline for PhD Academy extended to 20th June 2014: Call for papers and Invitation to research training - 3rd AfricaLics Academy, Nairobi Kenya, 17-28 November 2014

20 June 2014

Call for papers and Invitation to research training - 3rd AfricaLics Academy, Nairobi Kenya, 17-28 November 2014 - New Deadline for PhD Academy extended to 20th June 2014

Innovation and development in Africa

We are delighted to announce that the third African Academy for Research Training on Innovation and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics Academy) will be held in Kenya (exact location to be confirmed) from Monday17th to Friday 28th November 2014..

AfricaLics is part the world-wide research network, The Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (Globelics).

The purpose of the AfricaLics Academy is to support the training of African Doctoral students engaged in research on Innovation and Technology Systems for Development and innovation management and stimulate their awareness of policy and management issues related to this field of research.

The Academy will host about 35 students from Africa and a handful of students from the rest of the world. The Academy will invite frontier researchers in innovation and development and innovation management from around the world to provide lectures and mentor students. The topics of the lectures will cover specific issues within innovation studies and economic development and innovation management as well as research methods and innovation policy.

AfricaLics academy sessions include the following activities:

Lectures by senior researchers on areas ranging from research methodologies to the latest theories and empirical research in the fields of innovation, innovation management and development studies.
Presentation by Doctoral students of their work which will be discussed by senior scholars which will give feed-back.
Following the successful inclusion of an open half day symposium on innovation and development issues affecting Africa at the second AfricaLics PhD Academy, a similar event will also be held during the third Academy.

Senior scholars within innovation studies from various African countries and the rest of the world will teach and provide guidance during the event; giving students exposure to some of the top specialists in this field.

The event will be hosted by Moi University. A local organizing committee has been developed that includes membership from Moi University, the AfricaLics Secretariat based at the African Centre for Technology Studies in Kenya and other relevant stakeholder groups.

Participants and qualification requirements

The number of candidates will be a maximum 35. To qualify for participation, the applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

be at least in the beginning of his/her second year;
work explicitly on issues related to policy oriented analysis of science, technology and innovation systems and technology management;
be able to present an original paper reflecting his/her research and/or thesis work;

Participants must submit an extended abstract of no more than 5 pages for pre-selection. Abstracts should be typed double-spaced, minimum of 11 point script, in English. The abstract should state the objectives, methodology, expected results and conclusions of the work, including supporting figures and main references.

The extended abstract must be submitted by email to (quoting ‘2014 PhD Academy’ in the title of your message). It must be accompanied by a short (maximum 2 page) CV and a recommendation letter from the supervisor or a senior scholar supporting your application. The closing date for applications is 20th June 2014. Submissions won’t be accepted after this date.


Students’ submissions will be reviewed by a panel made up of members of the AfricaLics Secretariat and Scientific Board. Decisions on successful applications will be made by 31st August 2014.

Those subsequently invited to attend will be expected to submit online a full paper (Maximum 8,000 words excluding references) by 15th October 2014.

The selection process will aim to promote diversity among participants, by ensuring a geographic balance.


Accommodation expenses including meals will be covered for all selected participants from the night before the Academy until the evening it finishes.

We are unable to provide travel expenses for all students. We therefore encourage applicants to apply to their host institution or projects for travel support in the first instance.

Travel expenses (flight costs only) for participants studying at African universities who are unable to secure funding from their institutions will be considered. Funding will be awarded selectively on the basis of applications.

During the initial application process, students must specify whether they are likely to require travel support and provide an estimate of the amount required to cover their return flight (by most economical route possible and on the lowest fare class available). This will aid the AfricaLics Secretariat budgeting process.

Please note the organizers have a limited budget and not all applications for travel support will be successful.


For more information or queries please contact: and quote ‘2014 PhD Academy’ in the subject line of your email.