The university contribution to innovation and development: case studies in selected countries

05 January 2011 to 06 January 2011

Conceived in 2005, the UniDev project has the challenge to examine the evolution of academic institutions in the context of innovation and development. It is an international research project coordinated by the Research Policy Institute at Lund University, Sweden, and funded by the Swedish Agency for International Development and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The UniDev project was developed by national teams in twelve countries: Brazil, China, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Uruguay and Vietnam.

Completed last year, the UniDev project published some of the results in a special issue of the Science and Public Policy journal, 36 (2), 2009, Special Issue on The Third Mission. Final results gave rise to the book: "Universities in Transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Intitutions," Goransson, Bo; Brundenius, Claes (Eds), 300 p Illus 38. ISBN 978-1-4419-7508-9, published by Springer Verlag, 2010.

In this workshop - sponsored by the Federal Fluminense University in partnership with Lund University, with institutional support from COPPE / UFRJ and IBICT / MCT - the main conclusions of these twelve case studies, conducted under the UniDev project will be presented by their respective leaders, researchers and discussed with the audience.

CBPF, Auditório Ministro João Alberto Lins de Barros Rua
Dr Xavier Sigaud, 150 - Urca - Rio de Janeiro

Tel: 212 629 5711

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